Best Comedy Shows of All Time
Best Comedy Shows of All Time
Six Feet Under
A beloved dark comedy series that revolves around the lives of the Fisher family, Six Feet Under is an underrated HBO classic. In the series, the Fishers, led by patriarch Nathaniel (Richard Jenkins), deal with the unique challenges that come with running a funeral home while having their own personal struggles. Each episode begins with a new death, but then ventures into the exploration of characters' individual story arcs. Six Feet Under uses humor to provide moments of levity and to tackle then-taboo topics through a comedic perspective. It has held up incredibly well throughout the years and is worth discovering for the first time (or rewatching) today.
Arrested Development
When a wealthy dysfunctional family runs into financial trouble, things begin to unravel in Arrested Development. The popular sitcom follows the comedic lives of the Bluths, particularly following its only seemingly normal and logical member, Michael Bluth (Jason Bateman). Michael tries to hold his dysfunctional relatives together after his father's arrest for white-collar crime, but their quirks and eccentricities make it challenging. With impeccable witty writing paired with unconventional storytelling methods, Arrested Development offered something novel to viewers and critics alike, and it stuck. Full of sharp humor, running gags, and endless entertaining scenarios thanks to the family members' unhealthy dynamics, it's a modern masterclass in the genre.
South Park
A legendary animated sitcom created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, South Park follows the misadventures of the foul-mouthed kids voiced by the creators, Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, and Kenny McCormick. The series often sets up outrageous scenarios as backdrops for its irreverent humor and political and social commentary. South Park's best episodes have been known to stir up discussions and debates, often becoming controversial (like its episode about Scientology). The recently released storylines for season 26 of South Park are already proving to be among the funniest episodes from the long-running series, which still manages to shock and amuse audiences today.